Chronic Disease Prevention
Action Team
Note: This action team has no future meetings scheduled, as their work in our 2021-2024 Community Health Improvement Plan has been completed.
However, nutrition and physical activity have been identified as a priority in our new 2025-2027 Community Health Improvement Plan.
If you were on our email this for this action team, you will get the invites for future work.
If you want to get involved, please fill out our get involved form!
Why is this an important health issue in Eau Claire?
Chronic diseases are among the most common and costly of health problems. Most chronic diseases are preventable, yet most community members agree that healthy lifestyle choices and managing risk factors are not the easy or desirable option.
Communities are healthier when all people can always eat healthy food and have enough fruits and vegetables; meals with a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, vegetables, and fat; and drinks and food with low sugar and low fat, and when they are physically active.
Community members have identified that being physically active is not the easy or desirable choice, some people cannot afford enough food, or that health care or personal practices for healthy weight management are not the easy or desirable option.
Goals and
Objective 1: By end of 2024, implement, support, or expand at least 3 initiatives to improve Eau Claire County residents’ awareness and knowledge of healthy nutrition.
Objective 2: By end of 2024, implement, support, or expand at least 3 initiatives to make healthy eating more accessible, affordable, and convenient for all.
Objective 1: By the end of 2024, implement, support, or expand at least 5 strategies that promote physical activity in a variety of places and spaces.
Goals and objectives are developed based on root cause analysis, current evidence, state and national plans, and community input, assets, and readiness. More information on this process can be found in Eau Claire County’s Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan.
Minutes from our past meetings:
111324 Meeting Minutes / PowerPoint
081424- Meeting Minutes / Presentation Slides
071024- Meeting Cancelled
050824 - Meeting Cancelled
121323 Meeting Minutes
110823 Meeting Minutes
101123 Meeting Minutes091323 Meeting Minutes
080923 Meeting at McDonough Park
071223 Meeting Minutes
Partnering with Visit Eau Claire on the Geau Outside pass
Working to promote the Lake Street Farmers market to people who receive WIC or Senior Farmers Market Vouchers, and people who live in the neighborhood near the market.
Promoting wayfinding signs in the community
Helping Bike and Pedestrian Committee to make Eau Claire more bike-friendly
Promoting healthy nutrition and physical activity at outreach events
Promoted physical activity for older adults through a Winter Wellness Challenge
Promoted healthy nutrition at Sounds like Summer Concert series, and on social media with the Harvest of the Month program