
Consent is an ongoing mutual agreement to do something. It's important to teach and practice consent for all ages. Share what you are comfortable with and respect what others are comfortable with (from whether to hug someone as a greeting, to using someone's phone, to posting or sharing pictures on social media).

Consent is as easy as F.R.I.E.S. - Freely Given (not pressured, forced or coerced), Reversible (just because someone agreed to something before, it's not an automatic yes, and consent can be withdrawn at any time), Informed (everyone understands what activity they are agreeing to), Enthusiastic (not just going along with the activity but excited to be doing the activity!) and Specific (agreeing to one activity isn't agreeing to all similar activities) . The resources listed below include videos, infographics, worksheets and more to help explain and show what consent can look and sound like.

Resources About Consent