Nutrition and Physical Activity
Promotes mental and physical well-being by improving availability and access to healthy food and physical activity, especially in underserved communities.
Why is this an important health issue in Eau Claire?
Physical activity and a supportive community environment promote mental and physical well-being. Barriers to eating healthy include the cost of healthy foods, lack of access to healthy foods, and lack of knowledge about healthy food preparation. In Eau Claire County, 8% of the population has limited access to healthy foods, and many face barriers to physical activity and community connection.
Engaging in regular activity can improve mental health, while increasing access to healthy foods and community resources can address these barriers. Improving physical activity options, our built environment, and access to healthy foods in underserved areas is key to creating a more fair and supportive community.
Goals and
Objective 5.1: By December 2027, support at least three strategies to promote existing built environment resources to increase physical activity and community connection, focusing on groups experiencing disparities.
Objective 5.2: By December 2025, identify four community plans or policies that address changes to infrastructure/ built environment to promote physical activity and community connection where ECHA could participate or have an impact.
Objective 6.1: By August 2026, assess interest and opportunities for increasing access to healthy food in three Eau Claire County schools, focusing on schools with a high proportion of students experiencing food insecurity.
Objective 6.2: By December 2026, promote at least two resources that make healthy cooking an easier choice, focusing on households that are food insecure, families, and older adults.
Goals and objectives are developed based on root cause analysis, current evidence, state and national plans, and community input, assets, and readiness. More information on this process can be found in Eau Claire County’s Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan.