HIP Teens

HIP Teens is a group-level, gender-specific and developmentally tailored sexual risk-reduction intervention. The intervention is delivered to groups of 6-9 adolescents and is designed to provide HIV prevention information, to increase readiness to reduce risk behaviors, and to instruct, model, and allow sexually active adolescent females to practice interpersonal and self-management skills that facilitate sexual risk reduction and condom use. Sessions include developmentally appropriate strategies such as games, activities, and skits, as well as opportunities for role playing and receiving positive reinforcement from facilitators and other participants. Early sessions practice basic skills and review simple situations. As sessions progress, scenarios become more challenging and draw on participants’ experience. In Eau Claire County this program is currently facilitated with ECASD through the Systems of Care, Life Without Limits, Western Dairyland's Fresh Start, McKinley Charter School and the Juvenile Detention Center.


Safe Dates
