Healthy Relationships Toolkit

Everyone deserves healthy, happy relationships across the lifespan. We know it can be hard to find reliable, up to date resources to start a conversation. So we've rounded up resources on topics from consent to technology to local resources and more for you.

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Website Eau Claire Health Department Website Eau Claire Health Department


Link takes you to SafeBAE’s website

SafeBAE is a survivor-founded, student-led national organization working to prevent sexual violence among middle and high school students in the US. SafeBAE encourages change by giving teens the tools to become peer-to-peer advocates. Some topics covered are sexual harassment and assault prevention, affirmative consent, safe bystander intervention, survivor care, and Title IX education. SafeBAE also provides school staff with trauma-informed response training, curriculum, policy reform guidance, and resources to reduce recidivism.

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Toolkit Eau Claire Health Department Toolkit Eau Claire Health Department

SPACE toolkit

Link takes you to a PDF

SPACE stands for Sexual Assault Prevention and Community Equity. The SPACE toolkit uses the work presented in Sexual Citizens to create a new approach for campuses to address sexual violence prevention. This toolkit is focused on a community approach which brings together students and administration to discuss the ways their campus can address power inequalities that are often exacerbated by the ways physical space is allocated and designed. Through four steps, campus leaders and stakeholders will take a public heath approach to preventing sexual violence.

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Website Eau Claire Health Department Website Eau Claire Health Department

Know your IX

Link takes you to Know Your IX’s website

Know Your IX is a survivor- and youth-led project that aims to empower students to end sexual and dating violence in their schools. The organization's ultimate goal is a world where all students can pursue their right to education free from violence and harassment. Know Your IX provides education, training, and advocacy for students and survivors. The website provides guides for students navigating the Title IX process in college or K-12, as well as in depth explanations of what supportive measures are available.

All Ages
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Website Eau Claire Health Department Website Eau Claire Health Department


Link takes you to SafeBae’s website

Website with info around bystander intervention, creating healthier culture and rights. Also free resources like downloadable posters.

High School • College
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